Employer Tax Resources
- What is state income tax (SIT) / withholding tax?
- What is State Unemployment Insurance (SUI) tax?
- What is foreign qualification (FQ)?
- When should I register with payroll agencies in a new state?
- Why do I need to register for payroll in a new state?
- Do I need to register with the Secretary of State (SOS)?
- Do I need to set up an account for Workers’ Compensation?
- Do I need to set up an account for sales and use tax?
- Do I need to set up an account for franchise tax?
- Do I need to set up an account for local taxes?
- Do I need to register for payroll if I hire an independent contractor who’s receiving a 1099?
- What does it mean if my business is in “bad standing”?
- Does Middesk facilitate Third Party Administrator (TPA) services?
- What is a State of Legal Domicile?
- What is a Professional Employer Organizations (PEO) or an employee leasing company?
- What is a capitalization table (or cap table) and where do I find my company's issued shares?
- How do I determine if I will file employment taxes on Schedule H of my federal income tax return (Form 1040)?
- How do I determine if I will file form 944, Employer's Annual Federal Tax Return?